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Keeping an Organized Work Environment

Most professionals who work full-time office jobs spend the majority of their week sitting at a desk or in a cubicle. For this reason, it’s important to make sure your workspace encourages good work habits and helps you maintain a positive attitude. We have included some tips and tricks below that are sure to help boost both your productivity and your mood at work.

Stay organized: A disorganized, jumbled mess on your desk can lead your thoughts to also be disorganized and jumbled. Keeping your desk organized can help you keep your mind organized.

Keep pens and papers within arm’s reach: You never know when you might have to jot down a few notes, so make sure you always have a pen and piece of paper readily available.

Post some motivation on your wall: Remind yourself why you are working so hard by posting a picture of your dream vacation location or some other pricey item that you are trying to earn money for.

Leave a stack of your business cards out: You never know when the new boss might swing by your desk or when a client might come visit, so always have your business cards easily reachable.

Stay inspired: Keep an inspirational quote or message in your sight line to help you maintain a positive attitude.

Avoid distractions: While a stress ball is okay to leave in your desk drawer, try to avoid having too many little toys or other distractions around. Even the smallest of distractions can end up sucking up too much of your time.

Surround yourself with familiar faces: Put up a few pictures of your close friends and family. Their smiling faces will be guaranteed to boost your mood on those long days in the office.

Include some nature: Keeping flowers or a small plant on your desk can help to connect you with nature while you are cooped up in your office all day.